All of our documentation in one resource library!

Resource Library Center
Thermostat Datasheets
Thermal Protector
NTC Thermistor Datasheets
Custom Thermostat Datasheets
Ordering Maps
Custom OA/CA, OM, OR/CR, ORA/CRA Series
SE T10 and SES T11 Series
Custom Probe Thermostats
Remote Capillary Thermostats
Hot Bulb and Capillary Controls
- CAP Series Datasheet
- CAP MR Series Datasheet
- DPL Series Datasheet
- Fail-Safe Manual Reset Series Datasheet
- 30Amp HC Auto Reset Bulb and Capillary Thermostat
- 30Amp HCRM Manual Reset Bulb and Capillary Thermostat
Cold Capillary Controls
Electronic Controls
Control Knobs
Thermal Fuses
Digital Panel Meters
Application Overviews
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